Sustainable innovation at Brunnshög

Brunnshög is a vibrant real-world testbed in Lund for sustainable solutions involving transport and mobility, energy and climate, ecological services and nature-based solutions, circular and sharing economies, housing and public space, and more. Today, we had a roundtable discussion at the public library about the opportunities and challenges of innovating in real world environments. Thanks to Eva Dalman, Markus Paulsson, Tobias Hey and Roger Hildingsson for serving as panellists!

The trials and tribulations of collaborative urban research

How can researchers engage with stakeholders through sustainable urban research projects? I participated today in a lively roundtable discussion with Ivette Arroyo, Kes McCormick, Lena Neij and Ida Sandström on the trials and tribulations of co-creating and co-designing with diverse research teams. This is part of a larger examination of transdisciplinary research practices that Ida and I are undertaking in the Urban Arena Testbeds project. Stay tuned for more findings!

Urban cooling strategies to promote health and well-being

How will older people and other vulnerable populations adapt to hotter conditions in cities? I discussed this topic today with colleagues at the Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments (CASE) at Lund University. We explored ideas about heat mitigation and heat management that involve upgrades to the existing housing stock, the development of public spaces for heat relief, and the adoption of individual and collective strategies to keep cool. We took inspiration from a current Swedish project, HEAT: Heat stress in outdoor environments: Planning the city of older adults today and in a future warmer climate.

Opportunities and challenges of regional flood management

How can communities develop more effective approaches to flood management? I published a new article with Jeremy Carter and Amanda Winter in Environmental Policy and Governance about the opportunities and challenges in developing a catchment-scale approach to Natural Flood Management. Our findings from activities in the River Irwell in Greater Manchester Region show that a strong evidence base, dedicated funding, and strategic governance approaches are needed to reduce downstream flooding impacts. This research is part of the Peri-cene project that examined climate hazards and responses in the urban hinterlands in the UK and India.

Book review of Art, Science and the Politics of Knowledge

I published a review of Hannah Star Rogers’ MIT Press monograph Art, Science and the Politics of Knowledge on the LSE Review of Books website. In the book, Rogers describes the multiple overlaps between artistic and scientific knowledge production and provides intriguing examples of how artists and scientists can collaborate in creative and productive ways. An inspiring book!